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It’s not the end of the world Dad ♥️

So you fucked up, made a mistake, yelled at the kids, ate that fast food, missed that gym session, argued with the boss, missed the cut off at work etc etc.

It’s done.

Tomorrow is a brand new day.

You have two choices.

You can continue to carry on with the bad habits of today and bring the negativity into tomorrow.


You can understand why it happened. Where it went wrong. Learn from it and realize that today is a brand new day.

A whole new 24 hours to keep moving forward.

24 hours to make better choices.

24 hours to inspire, motivate and encourage the children more.

Stop living in the past whether it’s today, yesterday, last month or last year.

You can’t control that anymore you can only learn from it and control today and everything else moving forward.

Don’t live with regret in 20 years time because of the stuff you are fearful of doing tomorrow.

Chances are the pain, suffering and effort it may take to achieve is a lot less than thinking what if 20 years later.

Crush the day.

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