Own the morning 💪🏽
Own the Morning 💪🏽😎Let's talk about something that can truly transform your life Dads: owning your mornings. As fathers, we often find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities – from work and family commitments to keeping up with the ever-growing to-do lists. In the midst of this chaos, it's easy to overlook the power of the getting up earlier and capitalizing on the morning hours and how they can impact not just your day but also your physical and mental well-being.
Fatherhood is Tough
It’s also the greatest time of your life.
Every single day you’re presented with an situation you have not ever been exposed too with your children.
Competition as a Dad
Legends. It’s human nature.We see someone successful and we instantly want what they have and start comparing our position to theirs.
6 Things as parents we need to teach our kids.
We have to teach our children to be accountable for their actions. Good, bad or otherwise. Learning right from wrong and being able to accept responsibility is one of the most important foundations we can instill from an early age.
You haven’t even reached half time, how could you have lost?
For the vast majority of us reading this right now we haven’t even reached the half way point of our lives. 20’s, 3...
Stop telling your children this
With everything we are doing I literally get to deal with 1000’s of Fathers weekly. I hear it all, see it all and one...
Stop letting others kill your dreams
Comparing yourself to others, letting outside influence dictate your next move or the feeling of not wanting to do so...